The Team members contains a mixture of experience on deafness, involvement in sport at different levels. The current Team members are: –
Coming soon.
(Technical Director)
Kevin played for several Deaf football clubs in Scotland since the age of 15. He also played for the national team in both Football and Futsal, continuing in his early 40s!
A proud Glasgowian and a father to 3 deaf children, he strive for a better access in education for them.
He took part in the administration side of SDFA taking on various of roles for 24 years and still counting. His wealth knowledge helped SDFA to re-shape its approach in terms of increasing participation across the country.
Coming soon.
Scottish Deaf Football Association are committed and adopted the Scottish Para-Football’s Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy. Our Child Welling and Protection Officer is Stephen Boyd who can be contacted at [email protected] if anyone have some concerns.
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