WANTED! National Deaf Men Futsal Manager
The Scottish Deaf F.A. is looking for an energetic individual to become our National Deaf Men Futsal Manager to lead Scotland deaf men national team
The Scottish Deaf F.A. is looking for an energetic individual to become our National Deaf Men Futsal Manager to lead Scotland deaf men national team
Today, the Qualifying Group draw for the European Deaf Men Futsal Championship 2022 took place. Scotland has been placed in Group E with defending champion
The Draw for the European Deaf Futsal Championships 2022’s Qualifying Groups will take place on Saturday 22 May 2021 at 10am (UK time). The Draw
Scottish Deaf Football Association are committed and adopted the Scottish Para-Football’s Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy. Our Child Welling and Protection Officer is Stephen Boyd who can be contacted at [email protected] if anyone have some concerns.
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